House Plans by Wellington Homes, LLC
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Each plan package consists of pdf files of all dimensioned floor plans, elevations (all 4 sides), and a roof plan.  This package also includes the filling out of each drawing title block with the client’s name and address, (which can be either their present address or the site location address where the house will be built). Each package also gets one round of changes/revisions to their interior room layout, and also the mirror flipping of plans and elevations to accommodate the clients building site, (any changes to the overall footprint of the home, however is excluded).  Changes to the overall footprint can be made along with any changes made after the first round of changes, but will be charged out at an hourly rate of $75 per hour.  All changes/revisions must be paid in full before Wellington Homes, LLC/Sideline Design can relinquish any finished drawings.

Also included with each plan package Wellington Homes, LLC will send a pdf file showing the client directions to some of the local printing companies in their area, (using Map Quest or something similar). They will be able to take the pdf files to any of these locations to have copies made using a sheet size of 24 in. by 36 in. This will allow the client to get addition copies made when ever they are needed without having to re-order thru the website, saving them time and the cost of shipping. Each plan package (after the completion of the plan purchase), will be issued to the client by way of the client’s email, obtained from the order form. In the event the client’s pdf files get lost or damaged, Wellington Homes, LLC will allow, (for up to 12 months after the purchase date)  a pdf file replacement.

Please note: these plans are a collection of work developed through the past 25 plus years by Sideline Design. During this period of time Sideline Design, through the collaboration of working with its clients and their contractors, may have used some design aspects from another pre-purchased set of house plans from another website. In this event, the client was required to purchase the original set of plans from this other website to obtain a release of copyright so Sideline Design could make the required modifications as requested by the client/owner, (as mentioned in the additional drafting services below). Therefore, any plans (*), falling under this category may require the client to pre-purchase a release of copyright, (usually the cost of a set of plans), from the original website.

Wellington Homes, LLC (through Sideline Design) offers an additional drafting service where Sideline Design can make any changes to pre-purchased electronic plans (formatted for autocad) which have been ordered through another plan web site.  However, before any changes can be made to the plans by Sideline Design the owner/client must first send a copy of the electronic file of the plans and a formal written release of copyright from the original plan owner/web site, along with a non-refundable deposit of $100.  Any and all changes/revisions made to the pre-purchased plans will be made at an hourly rate of $75 per hour.  All changes/revisions must be paid in full before Wellington Homes, LLC/Sideline Design can relinquish any finished drawings.

Please note:  Sideline Design retains sole rights and ownership to the above plans after completion of the modified plans. This is a limited service, so please contact us for scheduling.

Wellington Homes, LLC (through Sideline Design) also offers a drafting service for the total re-drawing  of plans from a hardcopy set pre-purchased from another web site.  However, before any re-drawing of plans can be started by Sideline Design, the owner/client must first send a copy of the original hardcopy set of plans and a formal written release of copyright from the original plan owner/web site, along with a non-refundable deposit of $500.  The cost for a total re-draw of plans (using autocad format) is charged at a rate of $0.50 per square foot. This rate includes one round of changes/revisions and copy of the final drawings in pdf format. Any and all changes/revisions made to the plans after the first initial round will be made at an hourly rate of $75 per hour. All changes/revisions must be paid in full before Wellington Homes, LLC/Sideline Design can relinquish any finished drawings.

Please note:  Sideline Design retains sole rights and ownership to the above plans after completion of the re-drawn plans. This is a limited service, so please contact us for scheduling. By purchasing our plans you consent to this agreement.


House Plans by Wellington Homes
All images and designs on this site are copyrighted © to their respective owners.
Permission is needed for any other use than private if not noted otherwise.
"Wellington Homes, LLC" ©2009-2015. Web design, graphics and maintenance by Inside the linez & Ask & Receive, Inc.

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